Friday, October 22, 2010

Will the Diving Lady Return?

Will the Diving Lady return?  Just a few weeks ago during an amazing storm the Diving Lady fell to the ground.

The Diving Lady has been a landmark in Mesa for approx. 50 years.  Many of us remember her from our childhood.  ...fond memories.

We are all wondering:  "Will the Diving Lady return?"

The EV Tribune says:  "the sign currently exists as a 'legal non-conforming sign,' meaning it was grandfathered in before the city put its current sign laws in place in the mid 1990s. The current law requires signs to be no taller than 12 feet and no more than 80 square feet in circumference. It also prohibits animated neon."

Mesa City Councilman Alex Finter told the Tribune on Monday that he suggests the city do “everything possible” and allow an exception for the sign to go back up.

Many Mesa residents have offered to help pay to restore the Diving Lady.

It looks like there is a good chance the Diving Lady will return.  :)


  1. I love the Diving Lady! I hope she returns!

  2. When we would come home from the East, we would see who could see the diving lady first. I think my sister would say she saw it when she really couldn't.

  3. I forgot about her!!! So glad she will be back!

  4. Who couldn't love that beautiful "Diving Lady", the diva of the welcome wagon to Mesa for all these years? Her singular, solo performance has beckoned and welcomed visitors and never once has she refused to perform her graceful art-deco dive. SHE is a Mesa Icon of Fun In the Sun. She deserves accolades, continuance and permanence.
